Monday, September 1, 2008

"Paschi"….Our little Rudi

His tender but penetrating look leaves us all breathless. Though he does not always come together like all the other boys and girls on the Saturday morning classes he appears to have found his favorite corner in which to color. What we first thought of as timidity now is clarified instantly when we heard him say in Quechua "paschi," that signifies "thanks" in English.

Rudi is only five years and is the youngest in his family. His family migrated from the heights of Pachabamamba to Huanuco less than a year ago in order to seek better opportunities in the city. Since then they have been living in the small community of Leoncio Field.

Before the sunrise his entire family life is arranged around the sale of vegetables in the central market. By no means is their life an easy existence and from early on the children are taught to both help in domestic chores but also in the vending of vegetables. With the worldwide rise in fuel cost and other necessary items times have become much tougher and the income does not always cover all the families' expense.

Unfortunately we do not know all about little Rudi's hopes, dreams and passion because of the language barrier. However, from his sweet gestures and tender looks he allows us to understand a small bit of his world. Now he happily attends every Saturday morning, learning new words in Spanish, meeting new friends and playing, but above all the power to learn about Jesus Christ due in large part to your generous donations.

Today more than ever Raquel, Yuly, and the group of volunteers that work with passion and energy with the children in Kushis Winaykan encourage you continue to helping and also to share with your friends the work that goes on here.
If you want to be a sponsor of one of the little girls or boys of Leoncio Prado we encourage you to contact us:
Coordinator: Yenny Delgado
*The monthly cost of bread for every child for the Saturday programs is only $4.00.